10 Eastwood Green

10 Eastwood Green
Modern-Classy Design: Luxurious Green Laminates and Neutral Tones for a Sophisticated, Serene Living Space | 现代优雅的设计:豪华的绿色层压板和中性色调营造出精致、宁静的生活空间
A modern-classy design with luxurious green laminates and neutral tones, creating a sophisticated and serene living space. | 现代优雅的设计,采用豪华的绿色层压板和中性色调,营造出精致而宁静的生活空间。 PROJECT / 项目 : Eastwood Green Condo DESIGN BY/ 设计 : R INTERIOR R 设计团队 #rinteriorsg

Floor Plan